
Master of Science – Agriculture Plant Pathology

M.Sc. Plant Pathology or Master of Science in Plant Pathology is a postgraduate Agriculture Science and Technology course. The degree consists mainly of research work and the publication of your results in an international journal. Your master’s degree will typically offer you a better position with a higher salary, greater prospects for advancement, more responsibility, and increased dependence. The duration of the course is two years and after its passing candidates have many further options in companies including research studies.

Plant Pathology is the study of plant diseases caused by pathogens and environmental factors; it involves study in mycology, bacteriology, nematology, virology, disease physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology of host-parasite relationships, etiology, ecology and epidemiology of plant diseases, disease resistance, and integrated disease management using cultural, chemical, biological and and biotechnological approaches. Because of its broad mission, the Department of Plant Pathology has strong interrelationships with all other plant- and biology-oriented departments and commodity groups within the state and nationally and internationally. The mission of the department reflects the strategic goals of Washington State University by advancing knowledge of plant pathology through creative research and scholarship, by extending that knowledge worldwide through the training of graduate students, and by applying the knowledge to protect the quality and quantity of the local and global food supply.


M.Sc. Plant Pathology Eligibility     

  • Aspiring students should have passed a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Plant Sciences, Horticultural Sciences, Crop Sciences, Forestry, Biology or other related fields from an accredited higher learning institution with minimum 50% marks

M.Sc. Plant Pathology Course Suitability

  • Students are required to be known of knowledge of all pathogen groups; principles of disease management; identification of pathogens within major pathogen groups; disease etiology and epidemiology.
  • Students should possess problem-solving abilities; follow instructions; plan and execute experiments; collect information in an organized and timely manner and analyze data.
  • They are also expected to have knowledge of ethical issues in academic and industry involving plant pathology; aware of relevant safety and health issues and demonstrate ethical practices by acting responsibly in their communities.





How is M.Sc. Plant Pathology Course Beneficial?

  • A Master’s Degree will broaden your career choices in marketing, sales, administrative, managerial, research, teaching and technical support positions.
  • The course is beneficial for further studies such as Ph.D. The Course will help students to understand and describe the Major pathological problems in tropical and temperate regions, their recognition and underlying ecological and economic causes.
  • The course will particularly appeal to students who wish to become involved in integrated crop management, pest management, general plant pathology or nematology or who wish to go on to postgraduate research.
  • Candidates can find employment in a variety of organizations, including agricultural and forest services, agricultural, horticultural and forest research institutions, universities, commercial organizations within the agrochemical sector, overseas aid programs, international NGOs, environmental groups, local authorities and pest control consultants in the private sector.

M.Sc. Plant Pathology Employment Areas

  • Colleges & Universities
  • Plant Pathology Centre’s
  • Plant Breeding Centre’s
  • Biotechnology Companies
  • Agriculture Sector

M.Sc. Plant Pathology Job Types

  • Plant Pathology Manager
  • Assist. Agri. Research Officer
  • Scientist
  • Plant Pathologist
  • Assistant Plant Breeder
  • Assistant Professor Accounts Officer
  • Field Scientist




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